Sorry for disappearing for a while.

Adam Thompson
Dec 27, 2020

The title says it all. I was on a roll with the TryHackMe event, grinding through the challenges, and posting write ups each night. Then life got in the way. People got sick, family member had a stroke, holidays happened, basically a “perfect storm” of events rained down on me and I was not able to continue the challenge or finish my write ups. I want to apologize to the few readers and followers that were following along for not providing a conclusion to the TryHackMe write ups.

As this year crawls to a conclusion, I will do my best to continue to post on here as often as possible, but it may not be a nightly event.

I wish you all the very best, and I hope that 2021 is a great year for all of us.



Adam Thompson

Father, information security enthusiast, lifelong learner, gamer, music lover, trying to be a little better at everything each day.